The electric vehicle industry is constantly growing as innovation keeps up with the evolving demands of consumers, businesses, and more. Recent years have witnessed remarkable strides in the realm of electric vehicle batteries, pushing the boundaries of performance, range, and sustainability. 
Demand for EVs has grown markedly over the past decade, with 350 million EVs, representing 60% of all vehicle sales, expected by 2030. This impressive growth in popularity is thanks to increasing environmental concerns, better cost competitiveness with conventional gas vehicles, and more vehicle options. 
EVs, which now include cars, transit buses, trucks of all sizes, and even big-rig tractor-trailers, still produce most of the same issues as conventional vehicles. However, they do offer one large benefit: They do not produce the air pollutants that gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles emit, which can cause asthma, bronchitis, cancer, and premature death.